![]() 07/17/2014 at 16:47 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So a few weeks ago, the brake lines blew on my Sentra, and it got towed to the local Marathon shop. No big deal, right? Except the guy working on it noticed that the clutch cable was attached to the transmission via zip ties, and decided to fabricate a little piece of metal to attach them more securely (Which he didn't charge for). After one week I get my car back, and the next day after that, his custom fix snaps in half. Another tow truck later and it's back in the same shop with the same guy working on it. He orders what he believes is the correct part from Nissan, again, no big deal. Two weeks later, (today) he informs me that he in fact ordered the wrong part, and he is now ordering a new clutch cable.
So here's the situation; I'm worried he has no fucking clue what he's doing, and that my car will be there for an indefinite amount of time. I have no idea if a new clutch cable will solve the problem; every time I ask him any details, he gives me the same bullshit runaround response, as if he doesn't understand that I bought my car to actually drive. So I guess I'm wondering whether I should spend the money on another tow to take it to a more reputable shop, or just stop worrying and get it over with.
![]() 07/17/2014 at 16:49 |
I wouldn't think he should have that much trouble ensuring proper operation of your clutch cable. If he is now ordering the correct parts and gets them on it may be worth getting at least that far so you can drive to get a second opinion nearby?
![]() 07/17/2014 at 16:50 |
Get it over with. If the "correct" part doesn't work then take it to another shop. I would imagine he's doing this fix for freesies. Sweet SE-R.
![]() 07/17/2014 at 16:51 |
How much do you want for it?
I'm just kidding, but you should tow it to another shop and settle up for his time.
![]() 07/17/2014 at 16:53 |
Take your car somewhere else. You owe this person no favors and it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion on it. Find a place that has its reputation based on getting it right the first time around. It may cost more than the other shop but it will be cheaper in the long run and you will have confidence in your car mechanically.
![]() 07/17/2014 at 16:53 |
It's been such a headache since I bought it that I've thought about selling it...
![]() 07/17/2014 at 16:57 |
Eh, all cheap car purchases (read <~$4000) will have teething problems.
Fix them and it should be right as rain :)
![]() 07/17/2014 at 17:02 |
My $0.02: cut bait and go to another shop. You have the defined cost of a tow (probably $60 or so, I'd guess?), versus an open-ended mystery cost of what might happen at a shop that's already demonstrated incompetence and is now dissembling. Something more will go wrong, and it'll cost you more than $60 or so especially if you value your own time and up-time of the car. Hopefully you know of a near-ish good shop. Good shops do cost some small-ish percentage more. They're worth it. Good luck, in any case!
![]() 07/17/2014 at 17:14 |
It is my first car and I do love it! (On the off chance I get to drive it)
![]() 07/17/2014 at 18:25 |
If what he is doing is free, then give him a chance to get it right. Sounds to me like he may have caused some issues, if so, he should cover it. BUT have it checked over by another shop after its done. If he is trying to make you pay for problems he probably caused, leave. My devils advocate side says we don't know if what he is working on now was a preexisting condition that he was good enough to catch and trying to help you out by not getting new, expensive, hard to find, dealer only parts.
Oh, and ask for all of the old parts back. Show them to whoever you get a second opinion from.
![]() 07/17/2014 at 19:34 |
Wow... I find this aggravating. You bought a pile of shit, that has jerry riggings all over it. A decent tech tries to help you and you are here blasting him. Its your piece of shit. How about you call the dealer and attempt to buy the part and take it too him. Its your fault you didn't get it inspected dipshit. Own up too your fucking mistake. If I was that tech and I stumbled across this article you would be picking your car up from my lot . as I laugh in your face. You need to grow up.
![]() 07/17/2014 at 19:38 |
Jwt made a bad decision on a car purchase bud. Don't blame the shop for his problem. Working with dealers to get parts in a joke when you are an independent shop. They don't care if they get it wrong. The shop tried to help. Cut them some slack. If jwt put as much effort into buying the car. All his issues would have easily been seen. But instead if wants to blame others. Don't encourage this twit
![]() 07/17/2014 at 21:45 |
I respect your opinion, and yes, you do have some valid points. My car is a piece of shit, and I love it regardless. It's my first car and I didn't know what to look for when I bought it. I rushed into buying it because I was sold on the idea of a cheap, quick, sr20-powered tin can. I knew that buying a cheap, old car was never the best idea, and I accepted that there would be problems along the way.
I'm going back to school in NYC in August, and I don't have the money to insure it there, so realistically, I have one month to enjoy it until I'm home for Christmas. The fact that this mechanic ordered what was obviously the wrong part after making a half-assed repair is why I'm so frustrated. I appreciate him identifying that there was a problem, but he went about "repairing" it without asking, or even showing me what was wrong. I've been unable to drive my car for the last three weeks, and it'll be at least another week before I can drive it again.
So if that makes me a dipshit, then so be it. I don't argue with people on the internet.
![]() 07/17/2014 at 22:02 |
I'd let this guy try and fix it again, but don't get too discouraged. Like Biturbo said, teething problems are part of the game.
![]() 07/17/2014 at 22:38 |
I don't believe anything you are saying anymore. You are contradicting everything said in your previous posts. I believe you walked in expecting very little money and patience on you part to have all these big issues addressed but because your car is old and parts for your car are not readily available at the dealer the shop tried to get you back on the road. Again here you go blaming them because they can't pull a rabbit out of your ass. I understand you are angry/mad/sad whatever.. Its your fault and don't put blame on anyone else but yourself. People like you go around making mistakes and placing blame on others(I.e. repair shop ) . how about you come here tomorrow after you show the shop what you wrote today about them and let us hear how it goes.. You do know that no good deed goes unpunished right. Anyway. I never came on here to argue with anyone. But you sir put a bad taste in my mouth. I have managed a shop for 7 years now. I used to feel sorry for customers like you. Until I got burned. So know I charge for everything to weed those like YOU out. Good luck with car.
![]() 07/18/2014 at 07:43 |
Wow, I honestly am shocked how thick headed you are. First off this is someones first ride that they bought for less than $2000, which means there is going to be problems but once fixed will allow the car to be a reliable dd. Second if a shop can't find a supplier or source that gives them what they need then maybe they themselves are incompetent. His issue was the clutch cable which probably would be a pain in the ass to see without getting under or lifting up the car. Sure the shop tried to help but all the good intentions in the world doesn't mean quality work. As I stated in my first reply I said "it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion on it." This is something anyone with common sense would do and would either validate this shop or show that this guy is clueless. We are in a capitalist economy where the strong live and the weak disappear, if this shop can't fix it and thr other can then it is tough for the first shop. He already let them have 2 tries at it, he is under no obligation to keep giving them his buisness.
![]() 07/18/2014 at 12:55 |
Give us some help...what else is wrong with that car? Is the windshield held in place by speed tape? Do you use a screwdriver to turn the ignition? Does it sport three different sized tires? Does it have a crap can exhaust..oh, wait...
![]() 07/18/2014 at 13:53 |
I'd say give him one more shot at it, since he's doing you a favor. If that fails, show up with more zip-ties and take the car back.
![]() 07/18/2014 at 14:05 |
Tell them to fuckoff and put it back the way it was before. It worked didn't it?
![]() 07/18/2014 at 15:08 |
Where do I start? When I bought it, there were only 3 lug nuts on each wheel, the tires were useless, there are shoddy welds and JB weld everywhere, the AC was literally ripped out, and there were holes in the radiator overflow bottle. I have a dynomax muffler sitting in the garage to replace the fart can when I get it back.
![]() 07/18/2014 at 15:12 |
What he said, if he can't get it right that time give up and try somebody else. As the song goes, "One more job ought to get it, one last shot before we quit it, one more for the road."
![]() 07/18/2014 at 17:23 |
There was a great post about Lemon cars on Jalopnik earlier - written by a lawyer who specialises in that field. Basically if they have tried to fix it 3 or more times the car is a Lemon and...read the article, can't find it maybe someone has a link?!
![]() 07/18/2014 at 18:46 |
I don't know if that applies on a 20 year old Nissan haha
![]() 07/18/2014 at 19:08 |
Hmm, maybe contact Nissan and say, hey I love your car but this shop is doing a disservice to me and you, can you please help? They could take this as a good PR opportunity!
![]() 07/18/2014 at 22:22 |
Maybe I could get it fully restored like that football player with his old Madza!
![]() 07/19/2014 at 04:25 |
How good a pretend celebrity are you? And that article was so cool!! But seriously, you don't need to be a celebrity to "force" a manufacturer, I as a manager would get very nervous if some guy with a post on oppo and maybe owner's forum (hint) came to me passionate about his car but being let down by a third pary (not their fault but end result - you have a Nissan that's not up to scratch EDIT - Is Marathon an authorised Nissan service centre? Then it most definitely IS Nissan's problem) - I can imagine your local Nissan rep would like a swift and quiet resolution? Tesla just settled $120k with a guy with criminal history and proof of tampering with vehicle (fuse)
![]() 07/20/2014 at 08:05 |
FYI Oppo - lawyer's name is Steve Lehto and here is an example post by him (not the one I was referring to but should be easy to find though his posts) http://stevelehto.kinja.com/a-recent-jalop…